Hi! It's nice to meet you.

My name is Mary-Ann, I'm from Melbourne (Naarm), and I am currently enrolled in a Diploma of Entertainment Journalism at Collarts (Australian College of the Arts).

My journey in the beauty industry began at 18 years old when I started studying for a Bachelor of Dermal Science. This is a four-year degree all about skin health, skin management, skin treatments and skin products - essentially everything about skin. It’s a relatively new-ish degree that has the opportunity to create your pathway and that’s what I intend to do.

My passion led me to create an Instagram account called @musesbymaryann to write skincare reviews on the products as a hobby, but recently I have expanded my topics and now write about a lot of issues, tips and advice about skincare and beauty.

Now, my journey has led me to Substack. Substack allows me to write down my thoughts on the workings of the beauty industry. I can be as candid and realistic as I want to without any pressures of social media and the algorithm.

In my spare time, I like to go to the cinema, the NGV, and cafes to drink iced coffee. I am also obsessed with Star Wars (I have a Star Wars tattoo!).

“I don’t want life to imitate art. I want life to be art.” Carrie Fisher

Subscribe to Mirror Mirror: Beauty Unveiled

Realistic, investigative and candid takes on the beauty industry.


A Journalist and Dermal Clinician trying to make sense of the beauty industry.